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Just say yes: writing opt-ins

Jess Drury
5 min readMay 25, 2021


I have had a LOT of mother-loving opt-ins over the years

PDFs (too many to mention)
brand archetype quiz (that one was popular and I might revisit it)
website review (time-consuming)
ask me anything calls (also time-consuming)
motivational wallpaper (WTF was I thinking?)

and currently my Soulful Storytelling for Coaches and Creatives which is essentially a mini-course in storytelling for business. And I’m STILL in love with it (at least for now).

There are so many options for your opt-ins and growing your list is so essential for your biz that we’re gonna take a minute and talk about this.

There are 2 kinds of opt-ins you wanna include on your home page.

1) to your general mailing list where you can share your latest blog post, a mini training, inspiration, free stuff, not free stuff, upcoming events, interviews, exclusive offers, etc.

2) for your freebie — which is a specific thing that’ll help with a specific problem (give ’em a quick win or a head start) and is followed up by a specific email sequence that eventually (fingers-crossed) leads to a sale.

For your email list…

Gotta include these 3 things when writing an opt-in

  1. The problem. What does your client want? How do they want to feel? How does this help them take the first step?

2) what do they get from being in a relationship with you? (we’re building relationships not warming up prospects — which sounds like something you should do in a microwave) Think your best advice, exclusive content or offers or behind-the-scenes insights.

3) Why do they care about that? How do they benefit?

So that might sound like…

I’ll send you my best advice (that you won’t find anywhere else) so you can scale your business with confidence.

3) I love adding what you DON’T get (this can be fun).

So that might sound like…

I’ll send you my best advice (that you won’t find anywhere else) so you can scale your business with confidence. You won’t find any watered-down platitudes or abstract theories just 100% practical, take-action-today steps.

For your freebie…

It’s gonna look really similar but we’re talking about something specific this time.

1) what’s the problem? Frame it according to your client’s DESIRES. Problem + desire.

That might sound like…

So you want to conquer the boardroom but you KNOW imposter syndrome is getting in the way.

2) how do they want to feel?

That might sound like…

So you want to conquer the boardroom but you KNOW imposter syndrome is getting in the way. And while that Chanel suit and those Louboutin heels might help you fake the confidence you need to get by, it would be really f*ckin’ nice to feel confident and self-assured no matter what you wear.

3) How you can help them take the first step towards solving their problem and feeling how they want to feel.

That might sound like…

So you want to conquer the boardroom but you KNOW imposter syndrome is getting in the way. And while that Chanel suit and those Louboutin heels might help you fake the confidence you need to get by, it would be really f*ckin’ nice to feel confident and self-assured no matter what you wear.

This free 3 part video series will help you understand WHY imposter syndrome shows up for high-achieving women and how you can start to shift your mindset today.

But just because you’ve created an opt-in (good work) and wrote the opt-in copy (cheers!) that doesn’t mean you’re done.

You’ve still gotta TALK about it. Everywhere. Adding it to your home page is a great start. But you’re not done there. Mention it on social media (posts and Stories) weave it into a blog post. Add it to your emails. Decide where it best fits into your website.

Because no one will opt-in if they don’t know about it.

There’s ONE FINAL THING you need to do now that you’ve got your opt-in and you’re talking it up everywhere you go, do you know what it is?

Follow it up with an email sequence.

If you’ve got an opt-in to your email list this is gonna be a welcome sequence.

What can you share so they’ll feel at home here? So they can quickly get their bearings? Maybe a best on the blog or latest on the podcast. Or so they feel like they know YOU (a bit about your story). Or your free opt-in so they can start to get a feel for how you work.

If you’re writing an email sequence for your freebie it’s gonna look a little different…

Freebie -> step 1 -> step 2 -> step 3 -> step 4 -> sales email

How do you get them from freebie to paid product? Start at the end (what you want to sell) and work backwards what they’ll need to know before they’re ready to buy.

What else do they need to know before they’re ready to buy?
Maybe that looks like a tip that builds on the freebie or giving them an opportunity to ask you questions or encouragement or stories of transformation.

Each email builds on the info you offered step-by-step (holla to the New Kids on the Block fans) until they read the sales email where they choose whether or not they’re ready to work with you.

Once you’ve written your email sequence and set up all your automation? Then your opt-in is good to go.

Pro tip:
Set a number (25, 50, 100). Once you’ve had that number of people go through your opt-in and email sequence it’s time to go back and start testing.

For example, if one email in your sequence has much lower open rates try a new subject line.

Do you love the opt-in you’re currently offering? Tell me what it is in the comments below. Or, tell me the best thing you’ve ever opted into.



Jess Drury

CEO of Heartlines Copywriting Studio | Best-Selling Author | Copywriter | Reiki Master | @JessMDrury |